Does Negative News Disclosure Induce Better Decision-Making? Evidence From Acquisitions, (joint with Chinmoy Ghosh and Jaideep Shenoy, University of Connecticut) The Financial Review, 2023, forthcoming.
Drought Risk and the Cost of Debt in the Mining Industry, Resources Policy, 2023, 83, 103724.
The Effect of Formal Financial Accessibility on Love Money Investment (joint with Gianni Romaní and Miguel Atienza, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile), European Business Review, 2023, 35, 121-136.
The NFT Hype: What Draws Attention to Non-Fungible Tokens? (joint with Sandra Gaitán, D. Jaramillo, and S. Velasquez, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia), Mathematics, 2022, 10, 335.
Trading Cryptocurrencies as a Pandemic Pastime: COVID-19 Lockdowns and Bitcoin Volume, (joint with Alexander Guzmán and María-Andrea Trujillo, CESA Business School, Colombia), Mathematics, 2021, 9, 1771.
The Effect of Intra-Group Loans on the Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash: Evidence from Chile (joint with Carlos Pombo, U. de los Andes, Colombia and Mauricio Jara, Universidad de Chile), International Review of Finance, 2021, 21, 374-403.
Signaling Value through Gender Diversity: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings, (joint with Alexander Guzmán and María-Andrea Trujillo, CESA Business School, Colombia), Sustainability, 2021, 13, 700.
Attention to Global Warming and the Success of Environmental Initial Coin Offerings: Empirical Evidence, (joint with Alexander Guzmán and María-Andrea Trujillo, CESA Business School, Colombia), Sustainability, 2020, 12, 9885.
The Effects of Ownership Structure and Intra-Group Loans on Leverage: Evidence from Family Firms in Chile, (joint with Mauricio Jara and Paula Nunez, Universidad de Chile), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018, 54, 2614-2629.
Media Attention and the Pricing of Seasoned Equity Offerings, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2019, 36, 432-449.
The Role of Financial Media in Share Repurchases, Review of Business Management (Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios), 2016, vol. 18, n. 61, pp. 473 - 496.